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Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekend fun.

Happy Monday!

As you might know we bought a house, more like an apartment I should say. Its very clean, well kept, but it is old in certain aspects and need some help. So its our plan to renovate some areas and find new ways to decorate on a budget. Part of this weekend was spent trying to make changes to our kitchen ... but you will have to wait for it to be completed for pictures. 
We are excited. So stay tuned. 
AND Can I say I found a new store Hobby Lobby = Love.
However, I did have a place in our Family Room that was empty and needed some attention. 
SO to help with the emptiness I got regular twigs/branches from outside and spray painted them black. And tada placed them in a basket... 
easy and helps fill up voided space.
 And here is mr. mischievous himself- after his pen battle he just got in- the pen left his mark.


ALY said...

looks very nice,ive got pebbles in a tall jar ,that looks great aswell.

makana hansen said...

Way to go! AND... Hobby Lobby rocks! Love your style and the easy and cheap things you do! Can't wait for the rest

marcia said...

I love the set up of your blog. It keeps changing and gets better each time. I like the idea of spray painting the twigs. But seriously can there be a cuter grandbaby boy then Dax? Look at that face.

Terri said...

I have been following you and Brandon for a while now and I enjoy and feel your happiness...keep it up