My sisters have been trickling in post to me about motherhood and their own thoughts on the subject. I have really loved reading each of their views and how they have so beautifully described the joy of being a mother. I now have a beautiful post given to me by my sister Cassidy in which she has described motherhood so profoundly. Thanks sis!
Motherhood is the greatest blessing God could give us as women. I feel so lucky to be a mom when so many women are not able to be a mom or have children of their own. According to the great plan of happiness, it is us as mothers who are entrusted with the care and development of our Heavenly Father’s children. It is our duty to rear our children up unto the Lord “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” In the scriptures we have been commanded by the Lord to bring up our children in light and truth (see D&C 93:40).
With this knowledge I want to do the very best I can to teach my son, Calvin and my future children the eternal truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want my Heavenly Father to be proud of me as a mother in how I raise my children.
Calvin brings me so much joy. I love watching him and seeing his progression in life. His cute smile melts my heart every day and I can’t thank my Father in Heaven enough for providing me with a piece of heaven into my home. And even in those darkest moments when life seems to be dragging me down, feeling worthless, or alone, my sweet Calvin always brightens my day as he smiles up at me; and it’s as if the whole Hosts of Heaven are smiling down upon me, letting me know I am not alone and letting me know what I am doing is highly favored of the Lord.
Now days I feel as if motherhood is being degraded by society. More and more people are finding excuses to delay motherhood or find it a complete burden. When I was pregnant with Calvin I heard a lot of negative attitudes from others telling me to have fun now, do things now while you can, or simply just give the oh your pregnant (them thinking she’s crazy, she’s so young, what is she thinking giving away her life so early). And to be honest sometimes I didn’t want to tell people I was pregnant because of what they might think of me (which is ridiculous I know) but then I would remind myself how excited and proud I am to be a mother and to bring one of God’s children here upon the Earth.
Motherhood should be regarded as something sacred and sounded as one of the utmost privileges we as women get to take part of. For our Father in Heaven has entrusted to our care His precious children into our hands to love and cherish. I am no expert on motherhood but I do know how much joy and happiness it brings. I love and am soo grateful to be a Mom. Even though there are heartaches and frustrations that comes with it, the joys outweigh it by a tenfold.
My goal in this life is to one day to have my children call me Blessed.
And I couldn’t say it better than Elder L. Tom Perry (an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) “God bless you wonderful mothers and fathers in Zion. He has entrusted to your care His eternal children. As parents we partner, even join, with God in bringing to pass His work and glory among His children. It is our sacred duty to do our very best.
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