Looking back on the year 2012, my heart swells with gratitude. We had an abundance of changes, challenges and blessings that have lead us on the most beautiful journey. And like most people I can't say that the year was full of roses and bliss, for there were moments that i could swear were one of the hardest moments of my life. But those moments made me stretch and become.
and i am grateful for them.
and i am grateful for them.
But most importantly I am grateful for a new, healthy baby that has graced our life and for his older brother. I love my two boys (three including my Mister) beyond words.
This year I am hoping for a continuation of stretching and growing. We have also made it more of goal to start filming more for our records and to share on the blog. I want to share more about the moments I have being a mommy and our creations.
Here's to 2013 and our new journey!
Here are a couple of my favorite/stand out moments of 2012
~We first started off the year announcing that we were having a baby, with a video
~The Mister and I got to go on a cruise to the Bahamas- and yes this was my very first one, I sure hope not the last. ;) hint hint
~In April, with the help of my FIL, we flew out my handicapped sister to DisneyLand to fulfill her lifelong dream of meeting the princesses. I still get emotional when I think of how amazing it was to see her there and be part of the whole adventure
I haven't yet posted the video we created for her of that day- but isn't the suspense killing you ;)
~ I was a High School teacher of ASL at my old alma mater and one class project we did was to create a music video. The kids loved it and it was a great experience for me to see them fall in love with the language.
~And because of that we soon found out we were moving across the country to the East Coast. This is a picture of the first full day of our arrival. We missed daddy while I had to finish up teaching in Utah. It was a long couple of weeks!
New England- Boston.
~In a new home and new place we celebrated the little mister's 2 year old birthday.
~ Then not too long after a new wonderful babe was born along the Charles River.
Our little Tayte Darton Osmond.
~We finally moved to a more permanent home soon after the babe was born.
Our 3rd home within 3 months.
~ We continued on with our new family of four and made the most of our weekends during our first New England summer.
ApplePicking from Brandon Osmond on Vimeo.
~ Last of all we spend our first Christmas away from Family, and shortly after returned back to Utah to spend New Years with the families.
[We] thank Thee for the era done,
And Thee for the opening one.
~John Greenleaf Whittier
ApplePicking from Brandon Osmond on Vimeo.
~ Last of all we spend our first Christmas away from Family, and shortly after returned back to Utah to spend New Years with the families.
What a fun adventure we've had and we hope you have had a good 2012 too.
And we hope your 2013 is off to a good start!
And we hope your 2013 is off to a good start!
And Thee for the opening one.
~John Greenleaf Whittier
What a whirlwind year for you guys! I can't wait to see what treasures unfold for you in 2013!
What a whirlwind year for you guys! I can't wait to see what treasures unfold for you in 2013!
I love hearing all about your adventures and the videos are great. Keep them coming. My kids are grown and how I wish I had more pictures and videos. We always kept saying "Oh I wish I had the camera at this time". So keep the camera handing and keep posting. Love to you all!
Love hearing about all your adventures. Keep the videos and pictures coming. I remember when my kids were little, they are now 29 & 26, how many a time I wish I had the camera with me to capture a moment but didn't. I have some but not as many as I wish I had. So keep the camera rolling and keep posting. It's wonderful to read about and see how your little family is growing. Sometimes I wish my kids were little again. SOMETIMES!!!!! LOL
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