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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finishing up

I'm getting around to finishing up a bunch of photo sessions I had and just wanted to share a few of my absolute favorites! These families were so much fun I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed being with each one and capturing little moments.

This first family is just so darling, and so classy. I loved to watch them interact and laugh with each other. Plus their little boy is super darling and so much, just like Tatye, so independent :)
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This family was equally as sweet. And they were so calm and easy going...Plus see that cute little dress? It was made by her mom!! Crazy talent. 
lifestyle photography lifestyle photography lifestyle photography 
This last family was such a hoot to capture! Each one had such fun personalities and so much energy. I really wanted to make sure I caught their personalities and their energy and I was really pleased with the outcome.
lifestyle photography lifestyle photography lifestyle photography      


Briseidy said...

such beautiful photos! thanks for sharing ;)

Marcia Hansen said...

Great pictures. You are amazing. I love that you got them in the moment as well and not all posed.

makana hansen said...

amazing as always. Those families are lucky to have you. And autumn looks incredible there !!! Btw, you are super talented

Cassidy and Daniel Stephens said...

Wow these are amazing!!! Shelbs you have great talent. You and Brandon are so artistictly talented. You both together will do amazing things. Loved all your previous posts too.