Toy story is in full force at our house right now. Bullseye never. ever. leaves Tayte's side and Daxton is usually seen with one of the characters most likely Buzz, but today it was Jessi.

Adorable matching Moccasins from Mini Acorn

About two weeks ago we recieved some devastating news. Our really good friends from Boston lost their 2 year old girl unexpectedly. When I heard the news I was heart sick, and wasn't able to function for a couple day. I went through so many emotions trying to understand why such a perfect, little girl was taken so early. All I could do was just hug and hold my boys close, to help me get through the day.
We then got a recording of the funeral that took place on this past Monday and it was the most tender service I have ever heard. In honor of their little girl Marjorie, both the parents were able to speak and they had so much faith. The things they said touched me so deeply, I wish all parents could be able to listen to this service. After listening to the service, both Brandon and I have been very moved and have a whole new view on parenting.
One of the things that was talked about in the funeral service was "the happy". This family had recently bought a home near the Boston Temple and the little Marjorie would say they lived by the "the Happy" because she couldn't pronounce Temple. But they loved living by "the Happy" because they got to pass it every time they went home, and Marjorie loved that.
We too live really close to the temple, and so with little Marjorie on my mind I wanted to go to "the Happy" on Sunday with my family. I also realized I haven't been taking as many pictures of my family lately and I don't want to miss any stage of us growing together. So we went and enjoyed the sunshine and each other. It always hits me so hard, especially when we are temple grounds how blessed we are to have each other. We got married in the SLC temple and so to be there with my little boys and Brandon just makes me cry.
As hard as it has been to hear the passing of little Marjorie it has helped us reflect on our own life. It has helped us see what is important in life and how we can do better. We haven't stopped thinking about Marjorie and her family. She continues to influence us everyday, and for that I am grateful.
Shelby you have been on my mind a lot since you first posted a picture and caption of the loss of your friends child. I have been praying for you since. Your sensitivity and vulnerability to open up and share as you do is admirable. You have a beautiful family and yes we all should take every moment we can to enjoy our family when we can. You never know when you might lose one of them. We just lost one of ours. Amy
And by the way I Love the pictures as always! Amy
Gorgeous gorgeous photos! I loved reading Mary's blog and sweet little Marjorie has me calling the temple "the happy" now too! Love your sweet little family. xoxo
We all miss Marjorie. And you continue to inspire me. heart ep
Beautiful pictures and post! I love how she called the temple "the happy". It truly is the happiest place on earth next to home. How grateful I am for the knowledge we have of the plan of salvation. As hard as it is to say goodbye to those we loose in this life, we can receive comfort in knowing that because of the temple we will be together again! :)
Sorry to hear about your friends child. That is so devastating. It is nice that you are able to find peace through it and a better understanding of life. Family is so precious, and it is amazing that we have been given that gift in life.
Hi Shelby,
What beautiful pictures you put as always! Daxton is getting taller than before! I cannot believe he is 4 1/2 years old now, and in 1 1/2 years, he will no longer be a baby and that is once he is 6 years old. I characterize him technically a baby, but an older toddler since he is learning through play and he is in his early childhood years. Where did you all go and take these photos? I am so sorry to hear about your friend's baby, and just know she is in a better place if she died of an illness. I hope all of you are well! Have a wonderful day! Kavitha
Hello Brandon,
Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your birthday with your family! What cute babies you and Shelby raise each and every day! Bye! Kavitha
Hello Daxton, Tayte and Benson,
How ware you? You three are cute babies as ever! Have fun! Kavitha
That is so sweet!
This is my third time commenting. Not sure why it won't show up?
But I love these pictures so much.
This is the sweetest post and I'm in love with every picture. One day if we have little ones I am booking you as our photographer in advance! :) xo
I loved this post. Thank you so much! So many of my friends know this family and i hear the same thing... so much love, so much faith etc...
I have been VERY bad at taking photos and journaling and its overwhelming so much of the time for me right now. BUT, I know I will regret not documenting these fast-flying years
Beautiful post shelbs. I love your family and you guys are so good at being happy and doing what's right. I too want to document every moment and need to do better
Love this!!!
Love this!!!
You are blessed to live so close to Temple Square. Your boys and toy story.. so adorable how they carry them around everywhere they go.
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