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Monday, April 3, 2017

Daddy Lunch Date + Gekks

Every once in awhile we get to meet up with Dad and go walk around the city on his lunch break. We usually end up going to Chick Fila if we're short on time they have the best french fries! But its fun to walk around especially now that its getting warmer and the blossoms are coming out. I can't get enough of blossoms. Temple square has some of the prettiest blossoms right now. Brandon also needed some models for a billboard he's working on for work, no we aren't the models but he was trying to get an idea so we were the fake models. But i'll take it. It was so pretty.Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon  Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon   That little face! I could kiss it all day long. Shelby and Brandon Okay, so I got these Gekks the other day and I'll have to tell you more about them,  but just as a background I've had the hardest time keeping no show socks on when I have shoes... especially these black shoes for some reason!  So I tried these Gekks and they are awesome. Gekks are a no-show sock that grip to the inside of your shoe. Shelby and Brandon Shelby and Brandon  If you want to try them out you can use  code “SHELBY8”  to receive $8 off orders $40 or more! They are a great option for a no show sock.


makana hansen said...

So many blossoms!!!!! That looks dreamy. And we love those fries. Sadly, I'm allergic. But my kids devour them. I've never heard of Geks. Sounds like a great way to not get stinky feet! Ha

ellen said...

I miss Utah in the Spring! It's amazing. I remember the first time I stayed for Spring semester at BYU I couldn't believe how beautiful it was! LA has no seasons so it was my first time experiencing spring! And we still have a bit of snow on the ground and it's chilly here. So no Boston spring just yet.