I'm almost half way! I guess thats why they call it a hump day... I'm starting to get a hump or bump, whatever you want to call it.

We are so excited to find out what kind we are having... whether its a boy or a girl or a dog. we're hoping its a dog... jk
Do you have any guesses?

Look Brandon's pregnant too.
My guess is a boy!!! :)
You are looking so great shelbs! Thanks for taking pictures. Its almost like we are there too. And Brandon... I didn't know you were expecting as well. I hope you are feeling good and handling the morning sickness well :)
We miss you and love you
Brandon & Shelby congrads on expecting parents for the first time Shelby you look good I'll be praying for you and the baby that every thing goes well.My guess it's a girl you osmond need more girls so they out beat the guys haha..God bless you all
Umm... You look AMAZING! Can I have your body please?
i love you guys!!! shelbs, you are going to be the cutest pregnant lady there is. brandon, you don't look half bad yourself! and i absolutely love the green carpet! :)
Oh my gosh Shelby look at you! Still so tiny! Congrats!
Brandon's baby is farther along :-) You barely have a bump, i Love it! You are such a cute prego girl. miss ya!
OH SHELBY You are so adorable! Cute Cute Little baby!!!
Thank you everyone! It was fun to hear from so many!
And p.s our carpet isn't usually that green ha ha I just noticed how green it looks in the pictures its more of forrest green... Good ol' 70's or 80's whenever that was popular :)
Shelby (and Brandon!) you look great! I'm thinking the baby is a BOY!!!!! Let us know! :)
Shelby, you are going to be the cutest pregnant girl ever! (Well, you are already, but I mean when you have a huge belly!) I am so excited for you! Its been forever!
Actually, I would be surprised if it wasn't a boy. But, you never know . . .
YOUR PREGNANT!! i didn't even know!? congrats! dogs are just as awesome as babies so either way i think your gonna be happy :)
I honestly just laughed out loud, and quite hard, at the picture of Brandon. Man. Hilarious.
I'm guessing a girl. :-)
I'm going with GIRL! Although, what has Shay said? I have heard she is always right??
Congrats Shelby!! Thats awesome!!
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