Blessing an baby is always a neat experience and it defiantly was neat experience for us. We had a lot of love and support from friends and family, I even had some of my young women from my last ward show up which was such a treat. But we had a great day and here are some pictures...
Our new family

Jeff and Linnea it was so fun to have them there :)

He is so cute!! We love our boy!

You have a darling family. I found your blog though Kathy, i love reading hers also. Then afterwards i found our my daughter Lucy is friends with your brother from BHS. My daughter also knows keesha from dance. Lucy was a minerette also.
But have enjoyed reading your blog and hope you dont mind. Your baby is adorable.
(Oh in case you are wondering i was converted to the church in england when olive and george were there on there mission, my hubby is from so jordan tho and ive lived here 25 years now).
Why is Dad's head ALWAYS partially covered in family pictures?! It's really quite funny actually, does he plan it like that?
Congratulations Shelby! What a cute family you have! I'm happy for you!
What a wonderful day!! I love baby blessing days. It is so magical and special!!
You look amazing by the way!! Gorgeous like always. Congrats. He's adorable!!
We've been waiting for some juicy baby pictures... you've satisfied our need and we thank you. And I agree with the Dad being partially covered comment, pretty hilarious.
Love the picture with five of us on the couch.. it is a Hansen classic. Oh and Daxton is a stud.
Ahh I love those cute pictures of Daxton. It was such a nice day. I loved sharing it with you.
What a beautiful little family:)
I wish you all the love and joy you deserve with the arrival of Daxton. He is beautiful! And I love his little suit!
your little family is just beautiful!
You have a beautiful little family, May Daxton receive abundant blessings from our Heavenly Father. Peace
Shelby! Congratulations, your family is so cute. and i love the name Daxton. so so so cute :)
Steph Z Park
Congrats to both of you! He is seriously such a beautiful baby! I love that you're blond like me & Brandon is auburn like Brady. I always worry that our babies will suffer because of it-like they'll turn out having wild orange hair or something! But seeing handsome little Daxton gives me hope! :0) You're little family is just too cute!
Such a beautiful boy (yes, Daxton that is!) Congratulations to you all.
Sis Penelope Westrip ex Inverness, Scotland Ward.
(now Penelope Wilson)
Nice and welcome to all.
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