Tweedle dee... i created a chalkboard book for my little dude. He is astounded by the fact that he can use chalk to draw on books, and then erase it right then.
he draws a squiggle line, gasps then erases. Such a great way to teach him how to draw/write with out having to worry about it getting everywhere... unless of course he smashes the chalk...
Its really quite easy to make.... wanna know how??
1. I headed to the craft store picked up some chalkboard paint, then headed to the thrift store to find a book that was just the right size.
2. Sanded down the book to make sure the paint stays.
3. Then painted.... yep yep
that easy.
On the front I just used paint to create the title, [you can use permanent marker] and 123 it's done.
These pages will be for D when he gets a little older(he doesn't quite understand them yet)
. But as you can see... he's already used the book quite a bit.

yes! Now I know what to do with my bucket of chalk board paint! You are a genius!
What a great idea! I can hear Daxton squeals of delight! Such a cute boy.
i painted with blackboard paint,a wall in there play room and a wall outside to for the girls to draw on,its great ,bigger and better than a book,
Have you seen the new chalkboard contact paper?? That might work well covering books too! Love the idea! I'm going to try it for my 13 month old grandson. He loves books! Thanks!!
Genius.. i actually saw this on a bag but i love your idea much much more. and i can attest that daxton does love it watching him scribble and scribble all over it while eating my ramen noodles :)
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