We just wanted to express our thanks to all of you, for your sweet responses to our news. We are so excited and can't believe we will be having two babies in the home so soon.
I am due early August- I always hesitate to give an exact date because then the count down to that date makes the last month even longer. Haha. So it'll be some time- early August.
But really thank you all again.
This last weekend we had a little fun-
do remember this thoughtful gift Brandon gave me for Christmas. We'll i've been saving the slips of paper and I'm down to the last 10. I pulled one this week and it read-
"Today you get a coupon for breakfast in bed that can be played at any time in the game of life. Check which of the following you would like."
So I chose Fresh fruit and french toast.
With a wonderful start to the day, we ended it laughing so hard, we cried.
Our parents treated us to see
Brian Regan THE most hilarious comedian.
Seriously, by the end of the night I had to put my head on Brandon's shoulder because I couldn't keep it up from laughing so hard.
Thanks Mom and Dad for such a great night!!
Can't wait to find out what gender your babe is. Sure loved Brian Regan and spending the night laughing with you guys and the parentals. :)
your husband is so sweet! :) i just cannot believe how adorable your family is! that video you posted not too long ago.....WOW. So sweet!
Early August! Maybe on your anniversary then. You are smart not to give an exact due date. When I was pregnant with my first, we had a count down on the calendar. I would announce every week at church how many days were left. Everyone kept saying not to do that because the baby could come late and I was gearing myself for a big let down. We kept counting and thank heavens he was 4 days early :) But we learned our lesson and never did that with the other two~
You guys have a very sweet relationship, keep up the good work! I've been married 31 years!!!!
Yummy! And I love D face in the background. And yours in teh last post made me laugh. What a fun night you all had!
Such a fun night. My face has never hurt so much.
What a good husband that breakfast looks delicious.
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