First off thanks to all of those who sent prayers and thoughts our way during this hurricane. We have said many prayers of gratitude that we are safe and didn't get hit too hard.
During the brunt of the storm our power went out and Brandon runs in and exclaims,
"We have ice cream in the freezer! We need to eat it all before it melts!"
To my dismay, you wouldn't believe Daxton's excitement when he heard this claim and I caught a picture of him just indulging in his own ice cream world.
Now onto the project!
~Distressed Vintage Books~
You may have notice i used these beauties to decorate my crate bookshelf.
So here is the quick easy tutorial for making Distressed Vintage books.
What you'll Need:
- Old/unwanted books {we found a bunch of books in a free box on the side of the road, we knew they were going to the garbage so we decided to reuse them. Some of them were even microbiology books, and other science books, so you can use anything}
- Xacto Knife
- Mod Podge
- Newspaper or a page from a book
You can leave the book just like this if you want a more clean look to your books {which makes for a simple project), or you can distress them more.
And your finished!
Here is the distressed look we use in our bookshelf
and below you will also see we used a more clean look.{on our massively huge stump}
Both styles are great

Now I want to see more join the party this week... you crafters and non-crafters
And again here are the rules :)
1. be nice . visit the links that are in the party... because feelings are on the line :)
2. When you post on your blog, take our button and put it up. That way others can join the partay! :)
I partied here:
1 comment:
Hi, Shelby!
Was Mango Sorbet the only flavor you had? Where's the chocolate ice cream? Oh, I ate it. Tee-Hee! :D
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