About a week ago my sister came out to see us. (we’ve had a lot of family visit in the past while and its been so awesome!) One of her goals is to visit 24 states before the age of 24, what a fun idea especially because she gets to travel a lot. So she came to see us and I promised to take her to Rhode Island.
In Rhode Island there are Mansion houses that were built in the 1800’s built specifically for New York millionaires to have a summer home. They are owned now by the preservation society and so we bought tickets to see inside the home.
I was pretty enthused and thought that if we brought the kids along they would do just fine. Because I have really high hopes for my children. I really don't know if that is good or bad thing...
Anyway, I though it would be fun to have my do the sharing of how the day went down.
“We walked up to that gorgeous, extravagant house with Daxton and Tayte in tow, thinking we were prepared because we had carrying packs for the both of them. As we entered the first room there were two older women there who had just started their tour as well. They looked us up and down, as if they couldn't believe that we'd have the audacity to bring two little kids to such a high end place. After the second room, Daxton had, had enough of that carrying pack and needed out. Our attempts to entertain him then commenced. We started to feed him crackers, but in our harmless feeding, a cracker fell to the ground and was stepped on. It was as I hurriedly attempted to pick up all the tiny pieces, that we both remembered the number one rule we'd been told when we first came in: No food or water while in the house. Strike one against us. Luckily we found a little sock puppet for Daxton to play with. That thing entertained him for a solid 30 minutes. Both Daxton and Tayte actually did really well, until we got near the end. Tayte was left out of his carrying pack and he made a beeline for the stairs. When we tried to pick him up he began to scream. After an hour of being quiet, he would not be silenced. As his screaming commenced, we found it prudent to forgo the rest of our tour and make our exit. Everyone stared at us as we walked out with Tayte screaming. ”
What she did seem to leave out was that once Daxton was out of his carriage we had to pick up the pace and probably got a lot of silly looks as we rushed about the home in the most calm manner we could. However, it really was a beautiful and interesting experience.
Note to self: The Newport Mansion tour is ppprooobbbaly not meant for babies. But the way I see it was that we were just starting appreciation for the arts at a young age.

^^Happy boys, now that they were able to roam about freely.^^

The entire tour just felt like we were walking through scenes in the movie, Pride and Prejudice.
One of my favorite movies.
When we weren't chasing babies and had time to really reflect, it made me giddy thinking about how much it reminded me of the movie.

^^My little monkey^^
Our list:
Place: Rhode Island
Activities: Newport Mansions
I have been there absolutely gorgeous homes.How are children supposed to learn about these homes and history if they cant be there.I would have have asked the women "Could you give me some advice what did you do when your children acted up in public?" Maybe they just needed a reminder that life isnt about mansions but teaching the kids about the mansions!!:)
Touring old homes is one of my favorite things to do too. I have been through so many it's hard to remember them all.
One things for sure. They don't make 'em like that anymore!
It's what you go with children, adventure and adventure. I took them to mine everywhere. That nice house please. Kisses and happy Thursday.
I always took my children out and about , and they soon get used to being able to be
In situations and enjoy them
That last picture of Daxton is the cutest! Good for you girls for trying it out with littles-it's great! It looks gorgeous and completely looks like a scene out of a Jane Austen novel!
Oh I miss this! Looking at your pictures I was reminded again of how gorgeous that place was. And speaking of the pictures, I love them! The angle, and what you chose to include is great. I also love the picture of me and kiddos :) What good memories!
Beautiful pictures and a great way to teach your boys patience as well! I love old homes and I love to daydream about the people who lived in those homes, in that era, etc... (I know I'm weird right?) but I have a good imagination that loves old things! Anyway, thanks for sharing, still LOVE you, LOVE your blog! AMY
How beautiful! Who knew that there was such beauty here in America! You always think you need to go to Europe to get some history and pretty shots! Love this :)
xo TJ
I was thinking Pride and Prejudice the whole time while looking at these pictures.
I think it's good that you brought them! Kids are kids...and don't want to sit or stand still for very long...but that's how you teach them. You're such a good mom!!
I thought only six foot tall fashion models could pull off flowy pants like that but they look so awesome on you! Love them!
This is so funny & made me smile as I'm the same as Daxton & Tayte about visiting old houses/buildings/museums.
I couldn't stand them as a child & even now at 54 I get bored within about 10 minutes!
Downton Abbey starts on Sunday here but I won't be watching it as I can't stand anything that's set in the olden days. (Apart from the first version of Upstairs Downstairs, especially the downstairs people)
That last picture is hilarious.
We toured through Carl Larsson's home in Sweden, and there was a family with two small children who tried to go on our tour. I felt so bad for them- it turned bad quickly and the house is rather small and full of these priceless antiques - so the tour guide finally had to ask one of them to leave with the children before something were to get broken in the midst of their tantrums.
Kids are just so hard to predict - another day they might have been totally fine for longer! It looks beautiful, I want to go tour up there someday!
Would they rather have you put them in front of a tv playing computer game!your obviously a good mum and role model. Ignore their ignorance and carry on doing what your doing. Opening their minds. Well done
Would they rather have you put them in front of a tv playing computer game!your obviously a good mum and role model. Ignore their ignorance and carry on doing what your doing. Opening their minds. Well done
these homes were constructed during the gilded age. the astors, vanderbilts, whitney's..... began mimicking how aristocrats lived as they considered themselves american pluotocrats.
the homes were costly to maintain and when taxes were introduced, many could no longer afford o maintain he properties. it required many servants to run these homes, as modern technology did not exists.
hey are gorgeous, though, and many of them are nothing more than imitations of homes that are found by european aristocrats and royals.
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