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Thursday, May 3, 2012


photos from Instragram

These two are the cutest buddies. They love to play and chase each other. 
I Just caught them in act of blowing dandelions, making wishes that someday they'll marry each other. hehee.
Or thats at least what the momma's were wishin. 


wandawbj said...

so precious.......beautiful pictures....

Contemplating Beauty said...

THESE are precious!!! I so love Dandies, too!!!

bird and tree said...

i just died with this cuteness!!! SO adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

They really look great together. ;)
So cute!!

p.s. - Beautiful photos.

Cassidy and Daniel Stephens said...

priceless! I love these. Especially the first one

marcia said...

nothing better than a field of dandelions to blow. Cur pics!