With the traveling we have done, I feel like we have learned quite a bit about how we can make our lives easier to travel. We are no professional travelers but hey, some advice is always helpful!
1. Invest in a good camera bag:
What good is traveling if you can't capture the memories of that trip. Also, you don't want your good camera being bumped around. Nor is sand good for the lens, we had to learn it the hard way...
If it were my choice I would have all three of these camera bags: Jo Totes , Kelly Moore, and Ona bag
2. Have comfortable shoes:
I don't know about you but when we travel we walk A LOT. So comfortable shoes is a must.
3. Make a list of the top 10 things you would like to do and see
Having a list of the top ten will be helpful so you don't get overwelmed with seeing everything.
4. Figure out a route before you leave.
If you don't have an idea of where you want to go, you can waste a lot of time figuring it out. Google maps are good, and getting to know the public transportation is always a good way to get around, just do it before hand.
5. Have cash on hand and keep it in a safe place!
Not all places except plastic. We also had to learn this the hard way.
6. Don't be afraid to explore:
Story: When we went on our Bermuda cruise, we got off the ship and the entire cruise went to the same spots so there was a lot of bodies and not a lot of experiencing Bermuda. Our family took matters into our own hands and we just walked where most cars couldn't get to. 99% of the time we were by ourselves just gulping in the beautiful sights. And most people didn't get to see that part. So explore!
7. Document everything.
While writing this post I went back and looked at all the photos that I took from the different vacations that we've taken and i'm so glad I have the pictures that I do. Even if they weren't the best pictures in the world, it just brought back a flood of memories of our time on that vacation.
8. Don't get stressed out about seeing everything.
I've learned that some of our best vacations where the ones where we weren't on the clock and had to be everywhere and see everything at the same time. It's good to soak things in and enjoy just time away.
9. Don't forget the grocery store.
Eating out every meal can take a toll on your digestive track and your wallet. Its fun to experience the food in the area but find a good grocery store where you can grab snacks and some easy quick meals that your body is use to. And on that note...
10. Make sure to take some good digestive enyzme!
Traveling for anyone is hard and even hard on your stomach. For me, I load up on magnesium pills. They are good for sleeping, and heck they help with digestion.
Here are some of the vacations we have gone on in the past if you want to take a look.

New York


I love your Blog... from cooking to decorating.. to your travels... I loved the Amsterdam vacation pics... so pretty with all the tulips.... Bermuda was also great pics... Christmas was my fav... the decorations and excite on the kids faces... Good Job you too... love the blog
Beautiful family and travel pictures! I'd love to know your tips for traveling with infants/toddlers. That would be great!
Great tips and beautiful photos :) Thanks for sharing!
You guys are the pros at traveling (especially with kids). We have traveled to the beach and to DC with the boys, but never on an airplane...I'm getting a little antsy about our trip to Disney World coming up. I think they'll do great...but still, the fear of the unknown, you know?!
Love these tips. I especially agree about having to-do list...but then being able to go with the flow.
Now...can you do a post about comfortable AND cute shoes? Yours are always so perfect!
great tips. I like the shoe tip the best. I remember when we just went downtown for our annual movie I couldn't walk to go to the other sights we had planned because I was in so much pain. Just love the photos. Glad you've had the opportunity to go to so many different and far away places.
Great photos! What a lovely family !
Great tips! I love to travel a lot! Next stop is America! Cant wait. x
Great tips, Shelby. I might use these tips for my vacation I'm taking next month. I'm heading to Branson, MO. This is my 5th year going to Branson.
I couldn't agree more with your tips, especially shopping for meals and snacks at grocery stores. Not eating out every meal makes staying healthy on vacation much easier. I haven't tried digestive enzymes but maybe I will look into them for our next trip. Thanks for the recommendations!
Picture from Paris it's soo lovely!! :)
dude! so many places! i love the pics of you guys in paris.
love love love these tips! Great post my dear. Hopefully we can use these tips to visit you soon
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